Zeiss Distagon High Speed 18mm T1.3

77,70 € / Day
(310,80 € / Week)
You will be able to set the timeframe for your rental from the order list.
Product Information
True Classic! Zeiss High Speed/ Super Speed lenses are standard by which other lenses have been measured since their introducing in mid 80’s. They have incredible low light performance with T1.3 but are also light and compact. They are also very sharp above T2.8 but below that they give a beautiful soft look. Terminator 2: Judgment Day was shot with these.
For now, we kindly ask you not to use clamp on matteboxes with these lenses.
- Lens Type: Cine Prime
- Focal Length: 18mm
- Coverage: S35
- Aperture: T1.3-16
- Close Focus: 0.25m
- Front Diameter: 80mm
- Length: 92mm
- Weight: 1.2kg