Freefly MoVI Pro
393,80 € / Day
(1.575,20 € / Week)
You will be able to set the timeframe for your rental from the order list.
Product Information
Trusty and lightweight handheld Gimbal. Comes equipped with Ignite Digi’s Tilt Cage Offsets and accessory/counterweight mounts. Recommended max. payload 6.8kg.
- Dual hot-swappable 22.5V 1.8Ah batteries with status indicators
- Embedded screen for tuning/customization
- Increased motor torque over previous generation stabilizers
- D-Tap outputs for camera and accessory power
- Full stiffness and filter auto-tune in approximately 10 seconds
- Compatible with MōVI Pro applications for iOS and Android
- Majestic mode
- Internal long range 2.4 GHz frequency hopping radio for connection to MIMIC
Included Items
- 1 x DJI Power Adaptor for Charging Hub
- 4 x DJI TB50 Battery (Movi Pro)
- 1 x DJI TB50 Battery Charging Hub (Movi Pro)
- 1 x Ground Case for Freefly MOVI PRO
- 1 x Ignite Digi Power Expansion Pack for MoVI Pro
- 2 x Ignite Digi TB50 Battery Adapter for MoVi Pro
- 1 x Movi Pro Classic Handle
- 1 x Movi Pro Ring